When you “go with the flo” you’re buying much more than the best value waterless composting toilets and grey water systems - you’re buying quality-endorsed products certified to Australian & New Zealand Standards 1546.2 for waterless composting toilets. If you want to be certain your toilet has adequate capacity, and is safe, you need a waterless composting toilet certified to the tough performance criteria of AS/NZS 1546.2.
All state approvals are now predicated on certification to AS/NZS 1546.2. Consequently most Ecoflo waterless composting toilets have state approvals. Click a state below to find Product Specifications & Approval Status. Assuming you have selected a state approved waterless composting toilet, you will then be able to obtain local council approval for the installation at your site. A council only has the right to refuse if your site is deemed too small or close to a water course.
If you can find a better value waterless composting toilet, certified to Australian & New Zealand Standards or not, we would like to hear from you!
State Approval